Lost count of how many lesson i took, so jz go to the test day.. On that after all the processing, sit down and wait lo, after 1 hour only call my number( 26,i think ), not too panic because i got lots of practice in the circuit(not on the road with 'L', bo looi ma, any sponsors? ). Got my shiny cloth(what you call it actually?) and helmet ..
I look at my motor.. oh no, new motor..I have so mch problem with a new one in pre-test.. the fellow b4 me din make it neutral?!..and i know trouble awaits me.. Then, i sit on the motor, and make short prayer.. Start the engine and ...wait...(the dots shud be looonger), the examiner call my number, off i go..pusingan-8+ a 's', meniti (go on a plate, balancing), evading obstruction, u-turn, and my sudden-break..I stop b4 the line, i want to neutralise my gear.. die fire lo, i dont even know what gear i'm actually in..i think is 3rd(suppose to be 2nd).. I just proceed, on my 1st gear..go..change 2nd gear..can not 1..keep on trying..stil can not..wah, half way already le.. so i just flesh my accelerator..(i think the examiner not looking), last is selekor tajam, nth wrong la...1st part finish..pass lo, if not they will stop me 1..
(For your infomation, i've figured out why clutch is call clutch.. it originated from motorcycle.. when u step to change gear..you will hear sound like kkla~~+a hissing sound)
My part 3, at least not too bad, check everything..off i go, change to gear 2 successfully, all the way..Finally, have to do my noobest part..lift tha bike to double stand (not that i no strength, ok? i don't know the right technique..) i managed to do it on my 2nd attempt to raise it..,Praise the Lord !! But when i push the bike back to the starting point.. wadda, it is not neutral(not neutral means can not be pushed lo), as i struggling there, i was like o crap, minus mark liao..
Anxiously, i walk to the examiner..wah, he siao..gave me full marks for my part 2, they must have closed 1 eyes when i do my sudden-break.. HOT hon or hot miss-kuantan-look-alike must have pass by ( joking ar) or maybe God? cllose their eyes?! My part 3 result, only the gear thing minus mark lo.. i pass motorbike, yay!!
I go to my instructor.. wah geramnya..he greeted me with, :"eh, failed ar?" dont blame them i too cool(selfpraise=no praise).. no smile.. after that wait for others before go home lo
Total waiting hours=3
My car exam,Early morning, 6:45 reach driving office(those fellow..typical M'sian..) and wait for 25 minutes..stand and wait in the morning like si-bodoh like that..
Reach the exam place, do some final practice, all went well..oni my stomach not well, feel like want go toilet..LOL, before passing exam, have to pass out something... Meet 2 gals from same school apparently.. chat a bit..short conversational ministry.. After they left, wait lo..
i only got a Sun Paper..1 hour pass(in between i fall aslept for 5s?)..about 15 more minutes more "lapan puluh", wah, i stand up so fast ..(Before i go on, plz dont mix my '80' and '26' for 4D, ok?) Put a smile on my face, and greeted my examiner.. My road test start now..is a new car..i did all my practice with old car de.. This car ar, i raise full clucth also wont die fire de lo
Aiyo, the car in front of me so slow le...after awhile he(yes, is a he,no humour, cold..i thoght of praying so that he can hear de, but no guts) call me to overtake, i just tell him in front still got another car testing.. Later, i overtake it..just go on with test..Thank God that the person in front of me do the signals and turns, it reminds me, thank God!! So..i pass lo
Then off i go, for slope and.. so i wait..another hour.. i'm last in the group also..becoz i requested for an old-type car.. Shock myself lo, the car super old and old-type, clucth like no power only when i release.. everything went off nicely for the slope..i dont even have to shout my no...coz i last ma.. To the parking, wah hard le, tis car ar so old..die fire twice..LOL..i din do the normal procedure also, dont know what mistake..as long as i get in there perfect..i did 2 more steps..
As i go in to the 3-point turn, i was telling myself..YES,YES,YES,YES, 1 more minutes to getting 'P', haha... then ar, when i reverse in the 3-point turn..OH NO!! mati engine..which means fail, brother..i cepat-cepat start back, God's grace, man they are not looking at me..LOL..
So, God's grace prevail again lo.. timed 11:40
Then, my real waiting start now... i get my data..then call my instructor..can not get to him...at 12:10 call another instructor..
"Eh, Mr Cheng, i'm done with my test, can go bac already, where are you?"
"Ok, you WAIT, i ll go there"
"where is Mr Vijay? he suppose to fetch me,right?"
"That Vijay ar, brother pass away la"
"So you wait for me la"
I'll say this is 1 of the worst wait, beating the 1 i have with HON for the bus.. From 12, i have to wait until 2pm.. those 2 hours, with only a read-finish paper and a handphone...He finally reach.. oi..oi.. his car got 4 person le..die fire lo.. I give him my datas
"Sorry la, you have to go back with these afternoon session people" (which is about 4pm!!!)
"Ok.. so i go eat 1st ya" (fuming..sighing...)
At 4pm, leave the place lo, he call me to sit in his friend's car..and wait for my return..Reach the office, sit there and wait lo, at least got air-cond..I tell you i waited for another 45mins, he come back, call me fill up some forms..and then..
"Sorry la, i got i a lot of data and bookings need to do, you go home yourselves ya."
Fine, call my father, without showing any sienness in my conversation..
"Halo, papa, are u near?"
"Ya, i'm in Subang"
"I'm at driving school office.."
"Ok la, you wait for me"
"Thank you"
Another half an hour wait lo, but with a different mood, coz his my father never fail me de
At 6pm, reach home,.. a rest is enough..no celebration please..pheeew
Total waiting hours=Xhours
dont to dare count..
congrats on yr lesen!
haha... i still havn get. after knowing all these kekangans...i think i dowan 2 take da license la...
Hey might be a bit late...haha but congratulations on getting your lesen!! Just reading your post just reminded me of my own exams...i passed the car one ok but i failed the motosikal one on the first try..haha...can't remember if it was the bridge or the gear changing one which killed me...where did you take your exam by the way? Is it by Hotel Armada (if its still there..ekk..)
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