Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holiday is empty without God.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

School !

Half year of Form6 with jokers..

Teacher's quote:
Chemistry teacher :
  1. People at the back please stop talking. You all are so disgusting !
  2. You all please stop talking, if you all don't stop, i don't know what am I talking. ~when discussing chemistry experiment.
  3. We talk later, alot busybodies around. alot. ~when she online during lesson break, all sutdents rushed to her laptop, she type this in, and projector showed it.
Pengajian Am teacher:
  1. Class ini tak pernah berhenti bercakap-(cakap x 10)
  2. Saya rampas kad ini ya, cikgu bagi anak saya main.
Random teacher who came into our class to lecture:
Only I can say the word 'shit', you can not. ~ i don't like this teacher, he very racist..

Relieved teacher:
Want me to die ar ?! (in chinese) ~teacher's response when students ask her to join tai dee

Student's quote:

  1. Wah, I laugh until 6 pats also come out ad.
  2. Dont argue because of me, can onot? ~when 2 girls were arguing.
  3. Here very cold la, you know why onot? Because David (a black) absorbed heat..
  4. I've finished my bullets..~A regret Enoch who just finished his physics objective paper
  1. Chemistry exp:
Teacher: Are you ready for the experiment?
John* : Michael, are you ready? (at the same time pointing teacher)
Michael*:Aye, aye, captain !
John* :I can't hear you.
Michael*:Aye, aye, captain ! (louder, then continue to sing) Who lived in the pineapple under the sea. Sponge..
Teacher: Michael, you get out !

2. Chem exp also:

John* took 2 beakers of KA5, he poured togather. The empty beaker he filled it with distilled water. Then, he put the beaker at the KA5 place. Another fellow took it...after some time "ooi, why not change one?" While John laugh until stomach pain...

Alot more stupid stuff happened, thats why all my marks were 5x..Happy Holiday

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wrong Sower

The sower plant the seeds of
Love but reaps a harvest of Hurts
Joy but reaps a harvest of Despair
Peace but reaps a harvest of Division
Patience but reaps a harvest of Impatience
Kindness but reaps a harvest of Cruelty
Goodness but reaps a harvest of Notoriety
Faithfulness but reaps a harvest of Suffering
Gentleness but reaps a harvest of Pride
Self-control but reaps a harvest of Passion
Friendship but reaps a harvest of Betrayal
Freedom but reaps a harvest of Chains
Forgiveness but reaps a harvest of Hatred
Hope but reaps a harvest of Anxiety
Prayer but reaps a harvest of Restlessness
All these ends with why's and more whys..
they maybe more if you can name them
However, I'm not suicidal yet, because God relief me of these why..It's bcoz :

Monday, October 13, 2008


Warning : Dont eat while reading this...

Can die ar.. P/A ( do carta pie.. ai ya..din bring, ok la sleep only la..haha)

Say want sleep only.. i feel 1 hour still past like 1 hour..after P/A is WBS.. so i copy other peoples table as teacher called me to.. then the beautiful girl in front of me look at me, then i ambil kesempatan la
" Can touch my forehead, see is it hot or very hot ?"
"Wah, very hot."
"Very hot?"
"Ya" ( In my blurness that time..this is only what i did..shud have also call her to hold my hand see hot onot..or follow The Sheep goes this way:"Even if anything happen to me ar, i want to tell you"I Love You ya"

With prayer, i reach home safely (consider i have to go uphill) panadols..change shirt..sleep ( haven't even bath and eat lunch).. 2: 30pm.. i wake up and thought i can fly..go eat lunch..and whack everything.
T_T (this is one of the worst decision of my life).. after that..tire..sleep again..

7pm..whoaa.. it's the real thing starting.. Stomach something wrong already.. then it's
dark-brown semi-solid..
At night, i went toilet for don-know-how-many times..what color i do not know..but it's not semi-solid nor solid..most terrrifiying..
liquid only...i think is around 4~5 times into the toilet

Next morning, continue to go toilet.. worse, at closer interval.. and i realized my body just reject every intake, every cup of water i drink, promises a nose-torturing-session in next
10 minutes.. the smell ar, worse than ammonia, and b'coz only liquid comes out, so it's very volatile..can die 1.. Food is the just melt in my body and become liquid very fast (amazing?)

The ODJ about sleep is quite true. When you are in sleep-defiency, you are actually :

  1. drowsy and sleepy (duh?)
  2. cranky and irritable (ask your friend, and see)
  3. eat more than usual
I think i do not have enough sleep, so body system also upside down..As i continue my toilet break.. I dont have strength to do homework, so i read Bible, while praying that i can go church tomorrow.. This night, i did not have to go toilet..Yay !

After church, toilet breaks continue.. hits 15 times already.. I eat very little as a result..
I did not do homework also.. read Bible.. pleading Him..
The night was a nightmare too.. 5 times.. the worst one is.. thought just finish, then stand up and flush, only to realize have to sit down again.. that night cant sleep, feel like a pregnant stomach..quite empty ma, so only gases inside..those gas move around inside, just like a baby inside (sweat!) paaain ar..

Next morning, my father ask me :" You sure want go school ar?" (i have to ride my bike too)
"Can la, i 'll miss out a lot if i skip."
I've realize and learn something out of all these trouble..
  1. Be thankful when you can fart and sh*t, and thankful still when you can have semi-solid sh*t, you can cry when you only can sh*t (or suppose is piss from the butt?), you are so dehydrated that the next day you only pee 100ml after drinking 2 liter of water
  2. Marry is a must for me..coz i need people to take care me when i'm sick
Off i leave my house for home, humming:
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, All fears is gone
And I know, He holds the Future
And Life
is worth a living just because He lives

Friday, October 3, 2008


If no one tell the story, others may not know...

I was lost of words when Cacing said i was lucky over the fall (fell) in Batu Berangkai...No one knows the story, except that i speak of it plainly to my 'brothers'. So, i think i MUST tell you..

Batu Berangkai... a waterfall full of batu...and also cold water.. After some serious time with our 360 lites, we play and have fun lo.. Koko Bert also appointed 2 mEcho fellow to jaga evrybody and save the beauty in case.. lol :P

We started with a slide, most of the people tried, and it was fun.. Then we move over to a swing (a strong rope attached around a strong branch, and of coz played by strong man...( lame) How to play it? Grab it tight from a high place and swing down, drop down at it maximum amplitude lo ( a typical pendulum).. As i stated earlier..batu-batu..there's a lot there.. must drop only when it is maximum swing.. or else the reward is..erm..length 6 feet plus.. height 2 know what i mean?

Nothing special but fun! Then it's my turn! I grab it, and swing..
Nearing the middle, my hand feel numb.. (everything happened so fast)
Next thing i know, i drop

I can imagine koko Bert and koko Austin jaw-drop and eye-pop-out..

Meanwhile someone hold me.. hold me

And the result is splassshhh, not plaaakkk or peaakkk.. no pain
I fell (or maybe is placed) between 2 super big rocks.. mere coincidence?

"Still you hear me when I'm calling,
Lord you catch me when I'm falling..
And you tell me who i am..
I am yours"

I know is Him, i've heard His voice thru out de JS programme, then he cathes me, and i have no doubt i am his child.. I have tasted His Grace..Amazing Grace
( ya, you shud be saying halleluyah now, and also tell His story in your life)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Waiting Hours

Yesterday, i finally got my license, both for motorcycle and car... and note that it is different day, well, in between these 20days which i didn't blog...I'll start with my motor..
Lost count of how many lesson i took, so jz go to the test day.. On that after all the processing, sit down and wait lo, after 1 hour only call my number( 26,i think ), not too panic because i got lots of practice in the circuit(not on the road with 'L', bo looi ma, any sponsors? ). Got my shiny cloth(what you call it actually?) and helmet ..

I look at my motor.. oh no, new motor..I have so mch problem with a new one in pre-test.. the fellow b4 me din make it neutral?!..and i know trouble awaits me.. Then, i sit on the motor, and make short prayer.. Start the engine and ...wait...(the dots shud be looonger), the examiner call my number, off i go..pusingan-8+ a 's', meniti (go on a plate, balancing), evading obstruction, u-turn, and my sudden-break..I stop b4 the line, i want to neutralise my gear.. die fire lo, i dont even know what gear i'm actually in..i think is 3rd(suppose to be 2nd).. I just proceed, on my 1st gear..go..change 2nd gear..can not 1..keep on trying..stil can not..wah, half way already le.. so i just flesh my accelerator..(i think the examiner not looking), last is selekor tajam, nth wrong la...1st part finish..pass lo, if not they will stop me 1..

(For your infomation, i've figured out why clutch is call clutch.. it originated from motorcycle.. when u step to change will hear sound like kkla~~+a hissing sound)

My part 3, at least not too bad, check i go, change to gear 2 successfully, all the way..Finally, have to do my noobest part..lift tha bike to double stand (not that i no strength, ok? i don't know the right technique..) i managed to do it on my 2nd attempt to raise it..,Praise the Lord !! But when i push the bike back to the starting point.. wadda, it is not neutral(not neutral means can not be pushed lo), as i struggling there, i was like o crap, minus mark liao..

Anxiously, i walk to the examiner..wah, he siao..gave me full marks for my part 2, they must have closed 1 eyes when i do my sudden-break.. HOT hon or hot miss-kuantan-look-alike must have pass by ( joking ar) or maybe God? cllose their eyes?! My part 3 result, only the gear thing minus mark lo.. i pass motorbike, yay!!

I go to my instructor.. wah geramnya..he greeted me with, :"eh, failed ar?" dont blame them i too cool(selfpraise=no praise).. no smile.. after that wait for others before go home lo
Total waiting hours=3

My car exam,

Early morning, 6:45 reach driving office(those fellow..typical M'sian..) and wait for 25 minutes..stand and wait in the morning like si-bodoh like that..

Reach the exam place, do some final practice, all went well..oni my stomach not well, feel like want go toilet..LOL, before passing exam, have to pass out something... Meet 2 gals from same school apparently.. chat a bit..short conversational ministry.. After they left, wait lo..
i only got a Sun Paper..1 hour pass(in between i fall aslept for 5s?)..about 15 more minutes more "lapan puluh", wah, i stand up so fast ..(Before i go on, plz dont mix my '80' and '26' for 4D, ok?) Put a smile on my face, and greeted my examiner.. My road test start a new car..i did all my practice with old car de.. This car ar, i raise full clucth also wont die fire de lo

Aiyo, the car in front of me so slow le...after awhile he(yes, is a he,no humour, cold..i thoght of praying so that he can hear de, but no guts) call me to overtake, i just tell him in front still got another car testing.. Later, i overtake it..just go on with test..Thank God that the person in front of me do the signals and turns, it reminds me, thank God!! So..i pass lo

Then off i go, for slope and.. so i wait..another hour.. i'm last in the group also..becoz i requested for an old-type car.. Shock myself lo, the car super old and old-type, clucth like no power only when i release.. everything went off nicely for the slope..i dont even have to shout my no...coz i last ma.. To the parking, wah hard le, tis car ar so old..die fire twice..LOL..i din do the normal procedure also, dont know what long as i get in there perfect..i did 2 more steps..
As i go in to the 3-point turn, i was telling myself..YES,YES,YES,YES, 1 more minutes to getting 'P', haha... then ar, when i reverse in the 3-point turn..OH NO!! mati engine..which means fail, brother..i cepat-cepat start back, God's grace, man they are not looking at me..LOL..
So, God's grace prevail again lo.. timed 11:40

Then, my real waiting start now... i get my data..then call my instructor..can not get to 12:10 call another instructor..
"Eh, Mr Cheng, i'm done with my test, can go bac already, where are you?"
"Ok, you WAIT, i ll go there"
"where is Mr Vijay? he suppose to fetch me,right?"
"That Vijay ar, brother pass away la"
"So you wait for me la"

I'll say this is 1 of the worst wait, beating the 1 i have with HON for the bus.. From 12, i have to wait until 2pm.. those 2 hours, with only a read-finish paper and a handphone...He finally reach.. oi..oi.. his car got 4 person le..die fire lo.. I give him my datas
"Sorry la, you have to go back with these afternoon session people" (which is about 4pm!!!)
"Ok.. so i go eat 1st ya" (fuming..sighing...)

At 4pm, leave the place lo, he call me to sit in his friend's car..and wait for my return..Reach the office, sit there and wait lo, at least got air-cond..I tell you i waited for another 45mins, he come back, call me fill up some forms..and then..
"Sorry la, i got i a lot of data and bookings need to do, you go home yourselves ya."
Fine, call my father, without showing any sienness in my conversation..
"Halo, papa, are u near?"
"Ya, i'm in Subang"
"I'm at driving school office.."
"Ok la, you wait for me"
"Thank you"
Another half an hour wait lo, but with a different mood, coz his my father never fail me de

At 6pm, reach home,.. a rest is celebration please..pheeew

Total waiting hours=Xhours
dont to dare count..

Friday, August 8, 2008


Some is having their sweet holiday, but some were stressed (or stretched) in either uni or Form 6..

Those who are stressed, you are advised by me (haha)to twist stressed around (say huh?!)
spell s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d, from de back.... you got d-e-s-s-e-r-t-s, isn't it nice? :)

And of course, your desserts must be nice too. Do you want to know what desserts i take?? It's sweet, sweeter than the honey in the rock (ice cream will be good enough, actually), Jesus. Yes, go to Jesus, all ye stressed people ^^, he will give you rest and peace

Friday, July 4, 2008

Wind blowzz

We're like wild flower in the field, here today and gone tomorrow...
U know the my MUET teacher in the previous post? In one of the hot afternoon, he was doing some plumbing work with a plumber. B'coz of the heat, he fainted up there and fell down, bleeding profusely...
On the 10th call for the ambulence, only got it, but from serdang... Result showed his skull and spine fractured... Stil in ICU, doctor give him a 45 (past already) for waking up... HE's now in coma
He's the only source of income in the family, all are not X-tians. So God bless his family...(i mean it whole-heartedly, by no means sarcastically).
Pray for him and his family if u like..

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I wonder how the gospel writer know Judas Iscariot, as the treasurer cheated money.
Traitor doesn't mean he is also a money cheater,right? No prophecy that says the betrayal also cheats money, isn't?
And if he is expose earlier, why should he continue to hold the post?
Isn't there a better accountant there, i mean Matthew,the tax-collector?
A resurrected Jesus told them? but for what good? what good for the others disciple to know the sin of others? that will be gossiping..Jesus wouldn't do that...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Stupid Teacher

One day we are having MUET, and the teacher quite gila 1..
We come to a text, about denture. Then he asked,
"Can anybody tell me what is denture?" He ask a girl after that..
"False teeth(pronounced T-it)" said the girl.
The teacher say, "Class, when u r reading plz pronoun it properly."
Everybody is quite blur until my friend had his 2 hands in front of his chest, as if carrying something.. whole class laugh...
Next come some other words, "keep abreast"(which mean keep up with), then he asked a girl,
"What's the meaning of breast? O, i'm sorry, meaning of abreast"
"Keep up with."
"Is thre any other answer?"
My friend again, "aboob"
Then the lesson key liao, laugh only...

Sorry to those who r offended by this post.

Lame a-bit

Today, we r chating(or u call it laughing) all day b'coz the school is having 'Report-card Day'.

Then, we talk about the prefect board, there are 4 top post,
"The prefects boards have 4 ketua pengawas, 4 heads."
"4 heads ar, how many tails they have?" everybody LOL..

Only for cantonese, when u want to order fried crab, dont say it out, must do action...say thumbs stick together, leaving 8 finger moving, walking sideway like the crab...haha...
Hope u can get it!


Life is busy and sometimes we lost the personal touch...Same with the relationship with our Father, it can be slowly change to a employer-employee relationship..With my occupation as student, F6 quite busy of coz plus the Euro2008, prayer life and relationship with God went dry...I prayed that i can once again see(cant think of the right word) Him as my Father, Jesus as my friend ..

Today as i walk home, pass thru a kindergarten, I overheard,
"Got bring yr handphone or not? Got any problem call mommy,ok?
Then the small boy nodded..
I cant help laughing, small kid, barely 4, bring phone to school, somemore can call any time to the parent, haha. Parent too rich?

Then there are whispers, u have the phone all the time too, yr prayer, it reaches Me always..and it's reminiscence, "Got any problem call papa/mommy,ok?" God loves u!

Monday, June 16, 2008

I m no Better

Last Saturday, i went to play basketball. A elderly folk approached us, and give us some leaflet, saying its from their church , they are having some programs for youths... He's known for that, my friend told me he has been inviting them previously too...We play Bball with him, and i jz chat with him. Then, we touched football, EURO 2008, he say he already placed bet on some underdogs team...
I was like what-the!!! Then i stop talking football with him lo..and continue to play ball..
So my point is gambler-christian= bad example..? NO, we r imperfect yet we are forgiven, so dont let yr dark side or any sins, any lies that stop u from sowing and watering...God will help u!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Out of 15x days this year, i've been not at home more than 11x days..
So, is not surprise that i have little problem with my family,sometimes feeling miserable a bit.. After NS only realise i gone thru 1xx days without my mom nagging, and those... you know...
But she really against me in using the comp...
And other things and overall.. i think is my fault...Love yr mom b4 too late ba..

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I really want to share those gila funny things here, but as i read 1cor13 today, i realize how unloving people i holds no does not keep a record of wrongs...feel like crying..
But i'll stil share it bit by bit, with honesty..God love you..!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Off to NS

Why am i in the National Service? What is the purpose that God want me to fulfill? Is it testing of my faith? An or multiple opportunity to share and stand for Christ? Answer will be reveal in 2 moths plus time.
Begin with the end in mind. The end.

Meanwhile, sry lar for not able to read or say about yours.

My Father

Well, i thought when i come back from JS, i ll be bleeding the most. With a lot of cross cultural issues, f-ly problems, my own pressure, business, and also those lent meditations, emotions is really big thing and often go roller coaster, loss count how many time i cried.
What surprises me is the fellow who changed the most isn't me, but my dear father. It maybe becoz i understand what is he saying, or he just starting to understand me. He started to take care of a lot of things but he also learn to let go, let God. Overall, he's looking more heaven-ward, and a bit pushy for the f-ly growth process.
But is a bit worrying, maybe i'm plek or just too sensitive. He's been too caring, pushing about our growth spiritually, mental development , he pray a lot , even occasionally talk about GRACE.
Bottom line is he loves us and worried about us and for us.
He's going for an operation on 8-4-08 and 9th. A small one, but there is always risk though.
I'm wondering what am i typing, but i felt....weird. Sorry, i dont understand neither will you...

Friday, March 14, 2008

What's the different?

All the hype of SPM, wow!!
So is it all about me? What difference do u make, as a Christian, a Christian student?
How do you show your gratification to your teachers? In fact, you all can praise God, but do ye remember that God also gave you the teachers, your school-mates? If no, what's the difference do you make as A CHRISTIAN, we may be the ONE and ONLY Christian they will ever see.
"Help us be a light unto the nation, as you chosen generation", we may be talking about changing the nation, nations? The 1st step maybe witnessing to people around us. He said:" Love one another, just as I have love you. By this shall all men(and women) know you are my disciple, if you have love for one another."
How many have been loving to others? To care? To listen?
"Who care to know my name, who care to feel my hurt", What's the world looking for, inside? What in Christian is different? It all depend on who do you say He is?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bad day? be it sad day?

Today, i m going to get my SPM result and also have to attend a driving test. The moment i wake up, is like having bad feelings already, have a bad dream. I have to go for the test, and be there by 7am, in fact my instructor kononnya say he'll pick me up from my house at 6.45am. Crap lo, from 6.45 i stand at my house gate to 7.15. A moment by another, i feel so antsy(meaning: a lot of ants).Then, he only phone and say"Eh, i called you to go to the office ar!"(in his indian accent).
WAH!! zhadou, he immediately arrange another fellow to fetch me. So, i reach there, i just apologies for hearing wrongly yesterday, but he also said that the clerk did not call me. Then, i go for 1 round of practice on the slope,parking and turning. Thank God, perfectly well...
Soon, i just got number and ready for the test. I tell u, i never ever feel this amount of ants in my life, not even spm.. What i've practice didn't turn up well.. Maybe is nervous..maybe the car, well, i even said a prayer...but Fat Man lo, but weird thing is "I'll trust in You". I've got the peace.., i think
Then is the on-the-road-test, quite antsy too (this time less ant). Funny thing is i''ve been thru the road 3 times, i actually did not know it well. All along i thought the round-about is 3 o'clock but it is actually 12!! "Kesalahan Mandatori", Fat, fat man.. That did not end my day, i make new friends..
We all have our raoadmap in our mind. Is ours right? Jesus said he is the Way, are we willing to change so that we may be correct, instead of walking off to ...hell? Love Him, you'll love His way, instead it will be hard not to follow His. He said, if you love me, you will obey my commandment. How's our roadmap? Is it the right one? Do we choose to change and read the right one?
This is another weird feeling, i failed the test, but i dont feel the sadness. I must be emitted to hospital... No, i pray for those in the test, in fact both of my new friend, i pray for them, they passed. I'm not happy, but i have the joy, joy comes from the LORD, yes, only Him.
About the SPM , it is still a good one,since i only started my study in September. For those who dont know , i got7A, 3B,2C. Only disappointment is my BC got B, and the rest is all God's grace, hallelujah. Overall, this is the day that the LORD had made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!
God Bless!
Ps: For RM1xx, i bought confidence and lessons, i think you can pay less!! ^^

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I am the 1st one who went back to PD i think. Is a vacation, just following my f-ly, me myself is hoping to find peace thru silence and rest??
A one night Stay, is kinda short and i really did not realize it is so short. In fact, the only time i got the time to quiet down is on the way to PD and a mere 20 mins b4 check-out. I did went to the beach but spent time with f-ly, a short time though.
I knew i needed rest and inner-peace that only God can provide, i want His guide and direction but with the 'holiday' being short, maybe, i was left to think over it. My reflection and to-do-list did not finish at all. The sound of the ocean is so nice, it provided the best environment for me, yet...
It had nothing to do with the environment, it had to do with your own heart... We've learn that a heart that is unhurried and silent can listen God. It's not that did you do your QT, it's abt finding God with you heart, whole-heart.
"hearing without listening", listening is different from hearing. Dont hear, listen, we are even called to do more than listening, we're to obey. God Bless!!

Weird , Random thought

Some say evangelism, you go every house, coz who knows "this might be the right house" ,or you just go after you're sure that is the right house.

So should we actually go around trying (sry for using this word) every girls/boys) or should we just be sure he/she is the right one??

Any advice?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Life Partner

Yesterday, too free, so just kacau any JSS on9, especially girls(lol), coz i got something to ask regarding girl's feeling. I'm preparing for an attack on SPM result day.
A girl very free, so I bring the topic round and round, until I touches on BGR. Before i go any further, I was 'scolded'. She questioned what I've learn in JS and added that we(readers and me) should pray and WAIT for THE ONE. SWEAT. Fine, I'll obey but reluctantly. (U see how EDUCATION failed).
Today, I went to my friend house to visit and also try to lend his book <kiss dating goodbye>. Unfortunately, he returned it, but he shared some of the contents. Let's say if i were to live until 70, I'll have 40+ years of marriage life. His advice is to enjoy my singleness now, serve God to the max while I dont have any beautiful distraction and also more time. (Hon, not good to enjoy too long though, hehe, plz forgive me). I'm convinced, u c transformation work better.
My friend also shared with me abt a Korean pastor prayer life. He prayed for basic necessity like office table, chair, bicycle and so on. But desperate and in vain, he ask God. God call him to pray specifically. He did, pray for table of what length, height, width,what wood, drawer numbers...., very specific, same to other needs. In his sermon, he say by faith he can see it will be there, his members laughed, he responded saying it is like a pregnant lady waiting to give birth, the timing is not right yet. In 6months, he have all those prayer answered.
The pastor minister to a lady, who is praying for a life partner. The pastor advice her to pray specifically, so she listed 10 things and pray faithfully everyday. In the list, she included things like height, size,love music,teacher and blah.... It was answered in 2 years, he is a missionary, music teacher and he fits exactly.
My point here is pray unceasingly and specifically for... erm 40+ of your earthly life who r u going to spend with. Dont blame me if din get married!! :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Stand up for Christ

A dog highly educated and well-manner, and was hired to a company as a supervisor.
On the 1st day, he noticed a pig. The pig was not well-dressed and looked very untidy, plus he stink and also full of smells of alcohol. This pig hold a high post, not very high though. Doggie give a strong warning to the pig. The pig says he will change and nodded on the dog's command.
The pig did not change his character next morning. Again, the dog warned him, but he is not bold enough for action. Same thing happened for weeks. As the dog get busier, check and warn less of the problematic pig as he still produces good results. Neither does the dog know his resentment and his sensitivity of smell toward him is slowly decreasing.... Complacency grows....
One day, as pig and dog know each other much already, pig invite dog for dinner. At the sight of the pig u can tell he stinks, but the dog dont smell it anymore. They drink together.

So how are u doing after 12 days of JS, yo JS peeps? Do remember you've been thru the "2nd culture" and we are "3rd culture" ppl now. Plz "do not conform to the world", I (I mean we) love you and I do not want you to go back to "1st culture".
It's difficult, we are minority, we are normal, we're Christian. Like today lent medi, the truth we know, but do we succumb to peer pressure like pilate, or do we complacent like the dog? So, love Him, let Him continue to transform us, help us, as we stand for Him, share of Him, live for Him. God bless YOU!!

PS: no offence to pigs and pig fans, HAHA.


Who knows what is lame?
I just realize the acronyms

L ook
A t
Sounded true, look at me, very dfa

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The ABC for Friendship

Accepts you as you are
Believe in you
Calls you just to say "HI"
Doesn't give up on you!

Envisions the whole of you
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over

Just 'be' with you
Keeps you close at heart
Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life

Never judges
Offer support
Picks you up
Quiets your fears
Raises your spirits

Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands you
Values you

Walks beside you
X-plains thing you dont understand
Yells when you wont listen and
Zaps you back to reality

A friend does this, do u? yes, a time to change. :)

Friday, February 29, 2008

Lent Medi

For three days, i see Him cried to me saying no, still i chose to skip QT until after lunch, play maple for no apparent reason, procrastinate my reading and studying, not doing things in Phil 4:8 and not answering His callings plus many more.
Then my father talk about 2Chro 7:14 : ' if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then i will forgive their sin and will heal their land'
i made confessions, and i pray that u all would too. ^^

"Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." Jmaes 4:17.
"Most people are bothered by those passages in the Bible which they can not understand, The Scripture which troubles me most is the one i do understand" -Mark Twain, novelist.
So, how's QT today, what did He said or challenge? Be sure u stand up for Him. God bless u!!