Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I wonder how the gospel writer know Judas Iscariot, as the treasurer cheated money.
Traitor doesn't mean he is also a money cheater,right? No prophecy that says the betrayal also cheats money, isn't?
And if he is expose earlier, why should he continue to hold the post?
Isn't there a better accountant there, i mean Matthew,the tax-collector?
A resurrected Jesus told them? but for what good? what good for the others disciple to know the sin of others? that will be gossiping..Jesus wouldn't do that...

1 comment:

andrew wong said...

you have to know what's gossiping and telling the truth lo. u noe, all scriptures are God-breathed. So it could be the Holy Spirit that prompted the writer to write so. Also, Bible incidents are passed from 1 generation to another.

Matt is a better accountant, but doesn mean he must be the treasurer. There must be a purpose to be fulfilled that Judas is made the treasurer.

Whether or not Judas cheated money, i got no comment. But now im holding 2 treasurer posts.. hope that i wont be like J.Iscariot