Friday, March 14, 2008

What's the different?

All the hype of SPM, wow!!
So is it all about me? What difference do u make, as a Christian, a Christian student?
How do you show your gratification to your teachers? In fact, you all can praise God, but do ye remember that God also gave you the teachers, your school-mates? If no, what's the difference do you make as A CHRISTIAN, we may be the ONE and ONLY Christian they will ever see.
"Help us be a light unto the nation, as you chosen generation", we may be talking about changing the nation, nations? The 1st step maybe witnessing to people around us. He said:" Love one another, just as I have love you. By this shall all men(and women) know you are my disciple, if you have love for one another."
How many have been loving to others? To care? To listen?
"Who care to know my name, who care to feel my hurt", What's the world looking for, inside? What in Christian is different? It all depend on who do you say He is?

1 comment:

andrew wong said...

yeah... God has been so good 2 all of us... haha... i know how 2 be thankful